Posts Tagged ‘The Sloth’

Check out the sloth down there, trying to make it across a road. Incidentally, he probably won’t make it because sloths are slow. Really slow. They’re so slow they make a good habitat for moths, beetles, cockroaches, fungi, and algae. That, my friends, is disgusting. Sloths diets consist of buds, tender shoots, and leaves, which is similar to mine minus the tender shoots and leaves. Hey-O! Sloths’ tongues have the unique ability to protrude from their mouths 10 to 12 inches, an ability that is useful for collecting leaves just out of reach and also in getting that big date with Tina over in accounting. As much as two-thirds of a well-fed sloth’s body weight consists of the contents of its stomach, a characteristic similar to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Anwho, sloth.

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