Posts Tagged ‘Countries that view this site.’

Here’s the dilly . . .

I had a couple websites before, one dedicated to music and the other to sports, both begun around 2006-2008 or thereabouts. I had a small but loyal following for both sites, and they were a lot of fun to maintain. Ah, the days of DJ, SuperVesey and Hanif contributing their witty insights will never be forgotten. The problem was that I had other ideas I wanted to write about, stuff that went beyond music and sports. So, in early 2012 I started thinking about starting a new site, a site that was wide-open, a site that would cover everything and anything that popped into my head. ‘Twas a scary thought for sure, because there are some weird thoughts that roam across the landscape of my brain. Still, I forged ahead.

Well, it’s been a year and a half, and the site has grown beyond my wildest dreams. I have regular readers from all over the world, which in many ways makes no sense to me. For the life of me I can’t comprehend why some guy in China translates and reposts my blogs. For whatever reason they seem to like my stories about Sparky over there. Wait. Maybe Spark and I should do a Chinese Tour. The mind reels.

My biggest number of hits though, outside of the USA, Canada and England, come from the Caribbean and Belgium.
