Posts Tagged ‘Aliens Are Sending Us Signals’

Science Magazine- For the first time, the origin of a single radio pulse has been pinpointed to a distant galaxy several billion light years away, a new study said.

The “fast radio burst” – a very short-lived pulse of radio waves that comes from across the universe – has been identified as originating from a Milky-Way-sized galaxy some 3.6 billion light-years away.  

“This is the big breakthrough that the field has been waiting for since astronomers discovered fast radio bursts in 2007,” said study lead author Keith Bannister of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.

“If we were to stand on the moon and look down at the Earth with this precision, we would be able to tell not only which city the burst came from, but which postcode and even which city block,” he said.

As for what the bursts are, ideas range from a rotating neutron star to a high-powered signal from an advanced civilization.

I love how the the folks at Science Magazine casually drop that H-Bomb in the very last sentence. Yeah, it could be a rotating neutron star, maybe some dark matter, perhaps a black hole, or possibly a high-powered signal from an advanced civilization. Seriously, you know it’s coming someday, right? It’s going to be just like in movies like The Day the Earth Stood Still and War of the Worlds. Just destruction like you read about and aliens vaporizing humans left and right. Appreciate life while you can, kids. You never know when it’s going to end.

Blog Bonus:

Here are my Top 10 aliens invading earth movies. Enjoy . . .

  1. Invasion of the Body Snatchers – Incredible ending. Chilling as hell.
  2. The Day the Earth Stood Still – Watched it again the other day. Still holds up.
  3. War of the Worlds – Original only please. Sorry Tom Cruise.
  4. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial – I know. Not scary. Still excellent.
  5. Pacific Rim – Reminded me of a Japanese B-movie. Loved it.
  6. Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Classic.
  7. Mars Attacks! – As only Tim Burton could make it.
  8. The Thing From Another World – From 1951. Oldie but goodie.
  9. The Rocky Horror Picture Show – Perfect 80’s adaptation of the musical. Very weird.
  10. Independence Day – Where Randy Quaid steals the movie from Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum.