Posts Tagged ‘Cool Animal of the Day: The Red-Lipped Batfish’

Sweet Mother of God kids, look at that Red-Lipped Batfish! I shall call him Roger. First off, that’s a fish? W-h-a-a-a-t? Batfish are not good swimmers, which you would think would kill their self-esteem. However, they use their highly-adapted pectoral fins to “walk” on the ocean floor, which other ocean life find highly amusing. Red-Lipped Batfish and I are a bit alike, too. No, I don’t use my pectoral fin to walk on the ocean floor but I do like shrimp, just like this looker you see below. On a related note, boy does Roger look grumpy. Anywho, Red-Lipped Batfish.


Whatchoo talkin’ ’bout, Willis?