Posts Tagged ‘Funny Easter Photos’

Keeping with a Shoe: Untied holiday tradition, my crack staff has compiled a group of Easter photos for your horror enjoyment. Happy Easter!


Because nothing says “risen from the dead” like a Zombie Bunny.


I have no idea what’s happening here, but these Rabbits from Hell are the perfect gift for children who’ve been misbehaving. Happy Easter, kids!


The kid on the right seems oblivious to the fact that she’s about to have a vein ripped out of her neck, leading to instant death. The kid on the left? She knows.


People can be really, really mean.


Faced with inevitable death by yellow ribbon, little Bethany nevertheless kept up a brave face.


Fortunately little Hunter had received his rabies shots 2-months prior.


All I can say is, I have never seen a more evil-looking giant fake rabbit in my life. Chills, man.


If you look in the lower left-hand corner, you’ll notice that this 1933 Easter Bunny was keeping a tally of his victims. Numbers 160 & 161 are pictured.

Well, that’s all I got. Have a great Easter, peeps!
