Posts Tagged ‘Diddy attacks UCLA coach’


P Dipshit.

Diddy was arrested after an altercation on Monday at the UCLA athletic facility, according to TMZ. His son, Justin Combs, plays for the UCLA football team. Not many details exist, but according to the TMZ report, an assistant coach was yelling at his son, Diddy took issue, and confronted him and grabbed the coach. The campus police were called and Diddy was taken into custody.

UPDATE: Per a UCLA statement, Diddy was arrested on an “assault with a deadly weapon” charge after attacking the coach with a kettlebell.

I have a thought or two here. First off, I don’t know the details here, but if the coach was simply screaming at young Diddy then daddy needs to get a grip on reality. Your son is a football player. He’s going to get yelled at, dumbass. My guess is the kid was coddled in high school because of who his father is and now that he’s playing big boy football he can’t handle it. Jeebus.

Secondly, why do all the celebrity kids play for UCLA or USC? Because they’re in LA I guess?

Finally, getting clubbed with a kettlebell is no joke. Deadly weapon if there ever was one.


Anywho, lighten up Diddy. Don’t be that parent.