Posts Tagged ‘J.R. Smith has not a clue.’

"JR, you're 1 for 12. Stop it."

“JR, you’re 1 for 12. Stop it.”

J.R. Smith has long been known as a gunner in the NBA. He’s also long been known as a first class asshat of epic proportions. What you’ll find below is an interview he recently did with ESPN New York. You know, why these things still surprise me is beyond me, but they do. Read on . . .

GREENBURGH, N.Y. — The adjustment to the triangle offense has been “a struggle” for J.R. Smith, and it isn’t just because the system is foreign to him. A candid Smith admitted that he must alter his shooter mentality and wrap his mind around the team-first concept being preached by Knicks coach Derek Fisher and president Phil Jackson.

“Yeah, absolutely,” Smith said when asked if he has had to make a conscious effort to play differently. “I mean, believe it or not, being the type of player I’ve been, it’s a struggle. I’m not going to lie. Trying to think about the rest of the team over myself or my scoring is something that I never really had to do before,” Smith said.


I’m dyin’ over here. Yes kids, he actually uttered that last line. Sweet Mother of God. How can anybody ever have this doofus on their team? Glad to see San Antonio’s world championship team concept has resonated with J.R. Smith.

Good Lord.