Posts Tagged ‘Administrator makes students turn around after they’d turn their backs during player introductions.’

You read that right. Here’s the story . . .


Settle down, kids. Fun is not permitted.

HeraldNews – Last Saturday’s Division 3 South boys’ basketball final between Westport and Cardinal Spellman at UMass Boston might be best remembered for a most conspicuous incident which occurred before the teams even tipped off. Just after public address announcer Joe Rocha had started to introduce the Spellman starters, South tourney director Karen McDonald completed a quick march to the scorer’s table, grabbed the microphone, and spoke directly to some of the younger Westport fans in the bleachers directly behind the Wildcat bench. These fans had, when the Spellman intro started, turned their backs to the court, one of those orchestrated moves (like holding up newspapers) fans do. McDonald obviously saw it as a violation of the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association’s fan sportsmanship policy, one that is read over the PA before games. In what seemed like an order in the guise of a request, McDonald asked the fans to turn back around.

Well, for the love of God what is this administrator thinking? Students can’t turn their backs during introductions? They can’t hold up newspapers anymore? Can’t boo the opponent?

What’s next? Will total silence be required during free throw attempts?

Sadly, the Wussification of America continues . . .