Posts Tagged ‘Kim Kardashian took her kid to a fashion show’

So Kim Kardashian took her kid (Northwest? Southeast? Deep South? I can’t remember) to the New York Fashion Show, and of course the kid turned out to be a screaming, spoiled brat. Nice choice, idiot. Hey, at least her giant ass isn’t on display.

 Check out the photos blow, along with my snarky, insightful captions.


Kim: “Where’s the nanny? WHERE’S THE NANNY?” Beyoncé: “Oh. My. God.” Jay-Z: “I need a refill.”


Kim: “WHERE’S THE F**KING NANNY?!?” Beyoncé: “Oh. My. God.” Jay-Z “I REALLY need a refill.” Diddy: “I will cap that little mofo, swear to God.”

Oh, and the lady to the right of Kim is Anna Wintour, the woman who The Devil Wears Prada was based on. I thought she was supposed to be badass? Yet she sits there while the Spawn of Satan raises hell? Step up your game, Wintour. Step up your game.

But honestly, everyone around her had to be pissed, right? Who brings a whiny kid to a fashion show? A Kardashian, that’s who.