Posts Tagged ‘Ridiculous decisions in education’

IPSWICH, Mass. ( Ipswich principal is in hot water with some parents after he canceled the middle school’s Honors Night. David Fabrizio, principal of Ipswich Middle School, notified parents of his plan to eliminate the school’s Honors Night last week. “The Honors Night, which can be a great sense of pride for the recipients’ families, can also be devastating to a child who has worked extremely hard in a difficult class but who, despite growth, has not been able to maintain a high grade point average,” Fabrizio penned in his first letter to parents. Fabrizio also said he decided to make the change because academic success can be influenced by the amount of support a student receives at home and not all students receive the same level of emotional and academic support at home.Parents say they feel he is bringing down the education system; however, Fabrizio says he plans to include the honors ceremony with a previously planned end of the year assembly where students will be recognized in front of the entire student body.

Let me get this straight. The Honors Assembly was cancelled because it failed to include students who didn’t deserve to be honored? Say what? What is the incentive if everybody can go? Hey Principal Fabrizio, life is full of winners and losers. The harder you work the greater the reward. The sooner kids learn that fact the more successful, happier and fulfilled they’ll be.

I weep for our future.

Originally published on March 20th, 2013.