Posts Tagged ‘Orange Alligator Spotted in Florida’

Yep. Orange gator.

Yep. Orange gator.

An orange alligator spotted in a pond in Hanahan has residents scratching their heads and wondering — is it an albino, a Clemson fan or simply covered in dry clay?

A post about the strangely colored reptile took off this week on the Tanner Plantation and Foster Creek Community Facebook page. Commenters speculated on how the alligator got its color, with many saying it was nothing but a coat of dry clay, which is abundant in the area.

Others made jokes.

“It’s a Trumpagator,” one commenter said.

When one resident wrote that the color came from sand and dirt at the bottom of the pond another quipped, “No, those are alternative facts.”

Kent A. Vliet, an alligator biologist at the University of Florida, said he does not believe this animal’s color is the result of a genetic abnormality.

“I have no doubt that animal is stained somehow,” Vliet said. “He’s the color of rust.”

While the “Trumpagator” doesn’t appear to be a rare genetic variant, there’s no doubt that its orange skin is an instant talking point.

“Holy mackerel,” Vliet said after first seeing a photo of the animal. “That’s even more orange than the last one I saw.”

First off, why ruin it by giving us this rust and clay bullshit? That’s an orange alligator, plain and simple. Those idiots just ruined a great public relations opportunity for the Foster Creek Community. I’d be down there selling Ollie the Orange Alligator t-shirts like a boss. Morons.

And I have way too much integrity as a blogger to go the Trump route on this one. That’s just low hanging fruit, man. I’d never lower myself to making comments comparing our beloved president to an orange, slimy crocodilian that climbed from the murky depths of hell to destroy us all.

Whaddaya think I am, one of those whiny, pansy, self-entitled libtards?

 Anyhoo, orange crocodile. You don’t see that everyday, man.