Posts Tagged ‘Do These 11 Photos Drive You Insane?’

Are you like me and have some level of OCD? When you see someone with the tag on their shirt sticking out do you tell them to put it back in? Do you do it yourself? Because I may or may not have done that to a total stranger in the checkout line at Dollar General once. It also bothers the hell out of me when I see the clasp on someone’s necklace hanging down in front when it should be in its rightful place, which is up on the back of their damn neck. When I get gas the total price has to end in an odd number. I also count steps when I go up or down them, and if the final number is even I’m not happy with it. Lint on somebody’s sweater? Don’t even go there. Anywho, there are many more examples but you get the picture. What you’ll find below are 11 photos of other things that annoy people like me. Take a gander and tell me what you think. Click on the first photo and scroll on through.