Posts Tagged ‘Mother turns to Facebook when son cries over getting glasses.’

Noah in 10-years.

When her 4-year-old son Noah was reduced to tears by the thought of wearing glasses, Lindsey Fisher decided to turn to an unlikely source for help: Facebook.  To show Noah he was not alone, Fisher created a Facebook group called “Glasses for Noah.”

On the Facebook page Fisher wrote that Noah didn’t want to wear glasses. “He keeps telling us that ‘everyone will laugh at him.'” To help her son, Fisher made a request: “Show Noah how awesome glasses really are by posting some pictures for him to see you in your glasses!” It turns out plenty of people wanted to show off their spectacles. Thousands posted photos to the page with supportive messages for Noah. The page has currently been liked by more than 4,000 people. Lindsey Fisher’s father and Noah’s grandfather, Bannister Eads, told that all the photos have made Noah much happier about wearing glasses.

“He saw all these people wearing glasses and I think he thought, ‘Well it’s not so bad after all.’ It helped him,” said Eads.

On Friday, Fisher posted a message on the group wall thanking supporters for posting photos.

“Noah is LOVING them!!” wrote Fisher. “Y’all are amazing and we would give each of you a hug if we could!!!” She said now Noah no longer cries when wearing glasses and is even comfortable wearing them to school. “He puts them on after his nap at school. He’s used to it now,” said Eads, who also wears glasses. “He’s like me. He can see now.”

Hey. Psssst. Noah. You’d better sit down, I have upsetting news for you. Easy now, settle down. No, no, don’t cry. You haven’t even heard what I’m about to say. You alright now? Wait, don’t scream for your mommy, just listen up. You ready? OK, here goes . . .

See, before your mommy stepped in to try and save your fragile little ego only a few of your friends were laughing at you. Now? Well, the whole country is laughing at you and 99% of the kids in the country think you’re a spoiled little pansy.

Have a nice day!

PS: Lindsey Fisher could have saved a lot of time by showing him these pictures: