Posts Tagged ‘Scary clown gifs’

So everyone knows I have a crippling fear of clowns, mainly because I’ve bared my soul to the worldwide interweb via this website. Because of this I’m constantly receiving scary clown videos, photos and gifs from so-called “friends”, and by “friends” I mean people who apparently hate me. I mean, would you give your diabetic buddy a candy cane? What the hell people? As a result of this horrific turn of events I spoke to a therapist friend who thought it would be a good idea to just throw caution to the wind and face my fears. After first thinking that my therapist friend had turned on me too, I decided to take her advice and post some of the worst missives I’ve received. Yes, what you are about to witness are my Top 10 Scary Clown Messages sent to me over the past few years. WARNING: May be nightmare inducing.

And here’s a bonus for all my clown buddies! On a related note, go to hell!