Posts Tagged ‘A Bad Field Trip’

So I was reading a website today where teachers were talking about their worst experiences on Field Trips. I recounted the time I took my Junior High kids to the zoo and halfway home I found out we were returning with an extra kid. Good times. Anyway, mine was pretty tame compared to many, but this one took the cake. Read on . . .

I once took my Fifth graders on a field trip to a zoo. During a tour of the primate exhibits a notoriously ill-behaved student hurled a stick down into the gorilla habitat and it landed near an adult gorilla. Without hesitation, the now angry gorilla armed himself with the same stick and sends it back like a tomahawk to the boy with terrifying velocity and wildly impressive precision. The stick shattered after landing on the boys face and he goes down. Commotion ensues. More gorillas make an appearance and begin to scream at the group of horrified children. Zoo staff began piling in out of the woodwork to see whats going on. The orangutans on the other side of the trail got wind of the situation and began mobilizing to assist their gorilla comrades. It’s a war on two fronts now. Gorillas and orangutans began launching volleys of feces as the student’s scatter. Througout the entire exibit all manner of primates began their intimidating chatter and howling. An army of zoo staff has swarmed the primate exibits and managed to stop war of the planet of the apes. 30-minutes after it started, the zoo indefinitely banned the school from returning and the boy was on the way to the hospital where he received 5-stitches in his chin.
