Archive for the ‘Space’ Category

Yeah, so I guess these coins were unearthed while some dudes were renovating a house in Egypt? From

The coins were found by a group of construction workers who were renovating a house in southern Egypt. The workers were digging in the basement when they came across a small box that was filled with coins. The coins were all made of bronze, and they were all in good condition. The coins were taken to a local museum, where they were examined by archaeologists. The archaeologists dated the coins to the 1st century BC, and they determined that they were likely minted in Egypt. The coins also featured a number of symbols that are associated with ancient Egypt, such as the sun god Ra and the Nile River.

So, nothing really much to see here other than the fact that they have ALIEN HEADS AND SPACESHIPS CARVED INTO THEM. Oh, and one of the coins has “OPPORTUNUS ADEST” engraved on the back, Latin for “it’s here in due time.” Guess that means they’re coming back? Awesome.

Note 1 – I can’t wait until one of my so-called Facebook friends who is really working for the government tries to tell us all this is fake. Hogwash, man. I know a real alien coin when I see one.

Note 2 – While researching this story my crack staff here at Shoe: Untied found an article by some historian that surmised these symbols might depict ancient people’s visions of God. Gee, ya think? Those folks probably thought the aliens were God, dummy.

Note 3 – That last coin with the alien head is freaky. Chills, man.




You heard me, peruse and let your jaw be dropped.

  1. When it’s so quiet you can hear snow falling, you’re actually hearing the static discharge of the snowflake hitting the ground. It gathers the electricity while it’s falling to Earth.
  2. There are more castles in Germany than McDonalds in the U.S.
  3. A graveyard is connected to a church while a cemetery is not.
  4. Greenland sharks can become up to 400 years old and don’t reach sexual maturity until they’re 150.
  5. Oxford University existed 250 years before the Aztecs existed. Oxford University first opened in 1096, the Aztec period was from 1345-1521. Oxford University is second only to the University of Bologna for continuous operation.
  6. Sharks have been around longer than the rings of Saturn. The rings of Saturn formed no more that 100 million years ago, we know what they are made of, how fast they move, and the rate of decay. Sharks have been around for about 450 million years. We have fossilized records of this.
  7. The Sahara Desert used to be under the ocean, and you can still find seashells in the sand there.
  8. The Goonies go underground on the exact same day (Saturday, Oct. 26, 1985) as Marty travels back in time to 1955.
  9. Ancient Egypt and Wooly Mammoths existed at the same time.
  10. George Washington died in 1799. Dinosaurs were discovered in 1824. George Washington didn’t know dinosaurs existed.
  11. Giraffes have the same number of neck bones as humans and mice.
  12. “OMG” usage can be traced back to 1917.
  13. The Earth is traveling through space at 1.3 million mph relative to the cosmic background radiation. Which means by the time you finished reading this, you’ve travelled roughly 5,420 miles through space.

These are guaranteed to make you say “W-h-u-u-u-u-u-t?” Science, man.

  1. Sharks existed before trees.
  2. The Appalachian Mountains are older than the Atlantic Ocean.
  3. The first pyramids were built when wooly mammoths were still alive.
  4. George Washington didn’t know about dinosaurs.
  5. If you are trapped in a car, you can avoid freezing to death by lighting a single candle.
  6. In a span of just 66-years, we went from flying the first flight to landing on the moon.
  7. Humans landed on the moon before we thought to put wheels on suitcases.
  8. The coastline of Maine is 51-miles longer than the coast of California.
  9. All the planets in in our solar system, if placed end to end, would fit between the Earth and the Moon.
  10. Los Angeles is east of Reno, Nevada.
  11. Picasso and Eminem were alive at the same time.
  12. England’s Oxford University is older than the Aztec Empire.
  13. Stonehenge was a tourist attraction for ancient Romans.
  14. If you shuffle a deck of cards, it is statistically likely that you’ve shuffled them in an order that has never existed before and will never exist again. Essentially, you were the first person in history to shuffle them in that exact sequence.
  15. The can opener wasn’t invented until 40-years after the can.
  16. The stickers that are placed on fruits are actually edible.

Officials are tracking a section of a Chinese rocket expected to plunge down to Earth as early as Saturday — but they aren’t sure where it will land.

“It’s too soon to know exactly where it’s going to come down,” Pentagon spokesperson John Kirby said in a briefing Wednesday.

The section is part of a rocket called Chinese Long March 5B, which launched a module of the country’s first permanent space station into orbit last week.

“We’re tracking it, we’re following it as closely as we can,” Kirby said. “It’s just a little too soon right now to know where it’s going to go or what, if anything, can be done about that.”MORE: SpaceX launches 4 astronauts to ISS on recycled rocket and capsule

“Tactical decisions, if needed, will be made based on real-time information,” the FAA said.

Typically, rockets that plunge back to Earth are brought back in a controlled way into the ocean. One expert said it’s unclear why this rocket’s return to Earth is uncontrolled.

“I heard speculation that that they intended it to be controlled and something broke. Stuff goes wrong in space. Space is hard,” Ted Muelhaupt, principal director of Aerospace’s Center for Orbital Reentry and Debris Studies, said in an interview with ABC News.

“If something’s going to reenter and there’s a risk of more than one in 10,000, then it could cause injury to a person,” Muelhaupt said. “Then you take steps to mitigate that. And the most common way to do it is to control where the vehicle lands. Essentially, you bring the vehicle down where people are not.”

Well, I guess I’m glad they’re giving us a heads-up, huh? And they didn’t mention it in the article but this rocket booster weighs 21-tons. Listen, I’m no rocker scientist but that seems big enough to do a little damage. Might even put a little ding on your car hood if it hit it just right. Still, you can’t really blame anyone. After all, like Ted Muelhaupt, Principal Director of Aerospace’s Center for Orbital Reentry and Debris Studies said, something broke because stuff goes wrong in space. He also said it’s preferable to bring the vehicle down where people are not. Makes perfect sense to me. Anywho, might want to stay on high alert today, kids.

UPDATE: Well, that was disappointing. It crashed into the Indian Ocean. BOOOO! Boooring. Way to be a pansy Chinese Rocket.

Well, at least to me. Check out what people expected the 2020s to be like back in the day. Some are close, most not so much. Interesting stuff for sure though. Enjoy.

[click and scroll]

Spoiler Alert: It’s not good. Not good at all. It’s not every day that a Pentagon contractor tells the New York Times that he has seen classified material that leads him to conclude the government has examined materials retrieved from “off-world vehicles not made on this earth”, but that’s what happened on Thursday when the newspaper quoted Eric W. Davis, an astrophysicist who works for the Aerospace Corporation, a federally funded research and development center, in a piece about how the Pentagon is continuing to investigate reports of unidentified aircraft.

Davis said that, “In some cases, examination of the materials had so far failed to determine their source and led him to conclude, ‘We couldn’t make it ourselves,’” according to the Times report.

“Mr. Davis said he gave a classified briefing to a Defense Department agency as recently as March about retrievals from ‘off-world vehicles not made on this earth,’” it adds. “Mr. Davis said he also gave classified briefings on retrievals of unexplained objects to staff members of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Oct. 21, 2019, and to staff members of the Senate Intelligence Committee two days later.”

NYP – A mysterious object 500-million light years away has baffled scientists after transmitting signals that hit Earth every 16-days. Scientists do not know what is causing the phenomenon, but it is being recognized as the first reliable pattern of fast radio bursts in deep space.

Astrophysicists discovered the pattern in data from the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment, or CHIME, radio telescope in British Columbia. In this particular instance, around one to two radio bursts will blast out per hour for four days before going silent for 12-days. The cycle then repeats itself.

These newly discovered repeating bursts suggest that someone, or something, is controlling them.

And so it begins. First a minor blurb in the New York Post, then a sighting of a major asteroid that’s not really an asteroid heading our way, then we’re all laser beamed into smithereens. Seriously, I’ve read Steven Hawking. Basically he said any civilization that has the capability to cross inter-galactic space can treat humans however the hell they want. On a related note, the histories of advanced civilizations meeting primitive ones doesn’t bode well for humankind. What I’m trying to say is that it’s all over, kids. Farewell and goodnight.

PS- Wait. It’s 500-million light years away. Which means it was doing this 500-million years ago, right? I’m so confused.


NASA’s InSight Lander has recorded the first ever ‘Mars Quake’ back in April. Roughly six months later, NASA recorded more ‘peculiar sounds’ on the distant planet.

In an Oct. 1 blog post, NASA said that the lander’s seismometer, known as the Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS), is able to pick up subtle noises, including a breeze, as well as more Mars quakes.

It [Mars quake] had a surprisingly high-frequency seismic signal compared to what the science team has heard since then,” NASA wrote in the post. “Out of more than 100 events detected to date, about 21 are strongly considered to be quakes. The remainder could be quakes as well, but the science team hasn’t ruled out other causes.”

First, listen to the audio/video. My comments are below.

So the science team hasn’t ruled out “other causes?” First off, let me begin by saying this:  BAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Are you serious NASA? Those sounds are dinks caused by friction? Wind gusts? Suuuuure they are. I’m telling you right now, if those sounds aren’t aliens screwing around with the Mars InSight Lander I’m Marvin the Martian from Bugs Bunny. Hell, I’m pretty sure they were sending us a message in Morse Code at one point, then followed it up with an alien groaning into the mic just to shove it in our faces. Bottom line we’re going to be invaded and ultimately eaten by aliens. End of story. Thank you and goodnight.


(Travel And Leisure)–The Von Braun Rotating Space Station will likely be the first commercial space station in history. It is due to be completed in 2025, and some people are already calling it the first space hotel in history. Alatorre spoke to Dezeen about the design for the space station, making it sound like the world’s most futuristic and luxurious getaway. The station will have “many of the things you see on cruise ships: restaurants, bars, musical concerts, movie screenings, and educational seminars,” Alatorre said.

Hotel visitors will have fancier technology than what’s on board the International Space Station (ISS). Space tourists will have toilets and showers that function more like what’s on Earth. Drinking water will be brought from our planet and non-potable water will be recycled throughout the station.

Eh, I can’t tell you I’m on board with this. I’ve never been a big space guy so I’m a little ambivalent. I mean, that’s a cool view and all but how long could you look out at space or the earth before you got bored? And you’d only have that cool earth view half the time at the least, right? Or maybe you could see it from either side of the spaceship, I don’t know. I was never a Star Trek guy. Plus there’s the whole possibility of dying thing. That’s always a negative. Anywho, hard pass for me.

PS- Watch that video below. Wild stuff, man.

PPS- The thing is named after Wernher Von Braun, who was influential in building the USA space program. Cool.

PPPS- He was also a Nazi. Not cool.

Science Magazine- For the first time, the origin of a single radio pulse has been pinpointed to a distant galaxy several billion light years away, a new study said.

The “fast radio burst” – a very short-lived pulse of radio waves that comes from across the universe – has been identified as originating from a Milky-Way-sized galaxy some 3.6 billion light-years away.  

“This is the big breakthrough that the field has been waiting for since astronomers discovered fast radio bursts in 2007,” said study lead author Keith Bannister of Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.

“If we were to stand on the moon and look down at the Earth with this precision, we would be able to tell not only which city the burst came from, but which postcode and even which city block,” he said.

As for what the bursts are, ideas range from a rotating neutron star to a high-powered signal from an advanced civilization.

I love how the the folks at Science Magazine casually drop that H-Bomb in the very last sentence. Yeah, it could be a rotating neutron star, maybe some dark matter, perhaps a black hole, or possibly a high-powered signal from an advanced civilization. Seriously, you know it’s coming someday, right? It’s going to be just like in movies like The Day the Earth Stood Still and War of the Worlds. Just destruction like you read about and aliens vaporizing humans left and right. Appreciate life while you can, kids. You never know when it’s going to end.

Blog Bonus:

Here are my Top 10 aliens invading earth movies. Enjoy . . .

  1. Invasion of the Body Snatchers – Incredible ending. Chilling as hell.
  2. The Day the Earth Stood Still – Watched it again the other day. Still holds up.
  3. War of the Worlds – Original only please. Sorry Tom Cruise.
  4. E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial – I know. Not scary. Still excellent.
  5. Pacific Rim – Reminded me of a Japanese B-movie. Loved it.
  6. Close Encounters of the Third Kind – Classic.
  7. Mars Attacks! – As only Tim Burton could make it.
  8. The Thing From Another World – From 1951. Oldie but goodie.
  9. The Rocky Horror Picture Show – Perfect 80’s adaptation of the musical. Very weird.
  10. Independence Day – Where Randy Quaid steals the movie from Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum.

Man, I just read the Mars Rover Opportunity’s last message to home and I have to admit I’m a little choked up right now. I mean, we send him 33.9-million miles from home for a 90-day mission in July of 2003, he arrives on Mars in January 2004, and he outlives his expected lifespan by a freakin’ decade and a half. Then, alone on a faraway planet, a giant goddamn dust storm swoops in last June and we haven’t heard from him since.

That alone is sad enough, but then we hear what our hero’s last message was and it’s almost too much to take, man. I’ll tell you what he said, but I need a second to gather myself.

OK, I think I’m ready. Here are little Opp’s last words, sent home as the storm approached:

“My battery is low and it’s getting very, very dark . . .”


Well, hell. Hold on, I have something in my eye again.

PS- NASA sent their last message to Opportunity today. Nuthin’. 

PPS- There was another Rover named Spirit that went up the same time as Opportunity, and he kicked the bucket back in 2011. Just didn’t have the heart of my boy Opp.

PPPS- It would have been really cool if the last message was something like, “Wooohooo! Go straight to hell Martian dust storm! I’m gone suckers! Peace out!”

PPPPS- How great would it be if we suddenly got another message after 7-months of silence? Those nerd scientists would wet themselves.*

*Me too.


When you wish upon a star you’re actually a few million years late because that star is dead. In reality, you’re actually looking into the past because many of the stars we see have already died.

The Aliens Are Warning Us

Posted: September 12, 2018 in Humor, Mystery, Science, Space, The Unknown

The Sun: Artificial intelligence searching for alien life in the universe has discovered dozens of previously unknown radio bursts. The Breakthrough Listen program found 72 new fast radio bursts – mysterious space signals – coming from a galaxy 3-billion light years away. 

Scientists have named the source of these newly discovered signals, way outside the Milky Way galaxy, as “repeater” FRB 121102. FRBs are single, bright pulses of radio emission from extremely distant galaxies which last just milliseconds.

But FRB 121102 is the only one ever recorded to emit repeated bursts.

The source of FRBs are still a mystery and the nature of the object emitting them is still unknown. The theories range from highly magnetized neutron stars and super-massive black holes to signs of an advanced civilization.

Son of a bitch. Here we go again. More proof that aliens are out there, just shooting FRBs at us like you read about in all those Science Fiction books as a kid. And don’t tell me 3-billion light years is too far away to be a threat to Earth. Who knows what kind of spaceships those aliens possess? Hell, they may be so advanced they just snap their fingers (if they have any) and transport themselves wherever the hell they want like Captain Kirk and Spock. And these FRBs may be a warning, telling us the army of planet Nugoohoo will be arriving shortly to enslave us all and send Trump to Uranus. Terrifying really.

PS- Scientists continue to be the worst at naming stuff. FRB 121102? Really? Why not Hank or Sally or something? Scientists are not creative, man.

PPS- Seriously, if an alien civilization were that advanced don’t you think they’d just decipher our language and shoot us a text? Maybe create a Facebook account or something? Up your game, aliens.

Newsweek Online: According to scientists, the end of the world may come sooner than we thought due to colliding gravitational waves that would cause the Earth to be sucked into a black hole. 

Gravitational waves are invisible ripples in space which travel at the speed of light. The most powerful of these waves occur when objects move very quickly, for instance when two big stars orbit each other or two black holes orbit one another and merge. Such waves are often compared to the circular ripples which emerge when a stone is dropped in water. However, if a particle or object travels at the speed of light, flat gravitational waves can result. If such an event were to occur, and if the waves were big enough, the subsequent collision would create a black hole with a gravitational field that not even light would be able to escape from it. Literally everything would be sucked into it, including earth.

Well, hell. If it’s not one thing it’s another. Asteroids heading our way, Nazis everywhere, racism running rampant, conspiracy theorists running amok, an orange, nutcase tweeting president who’s inciting civil war if the upcoming elections don’t result in his favor, man it’s getting crazy all up in here. Now we have the possibility of a damn black hole sucking in everything from the Sun to the round (or flat, that’s another issue we’re dealing with) home we call Earth. And hey, we all know if the Earth goes you can kiss Uranus goodbye. That’s just science.

PS- The earth is going to be swallowed up and incinerated when the sun inevitably becomes a giant red star in 5-billion years anyway, so whatevs.

PPS- I’ve said this before but I have no idea how I’d act if they told us we had a week left. I’d like to think I’d go out with class and dignity, but there are a couple folks to whom I might pay a visit. Just sayin’.

PPPS- Uranus jokes never get old.

Once again the Simpson’s have predicted the future.





Astronomers estimate a mountain-sized 1,300-foot wide asteroid could hit our planet in 2032.

It was discovered moving through a nearby constellation and stargazing chiefs in Britain, Italy, Spain and Russia have added it to list of potentially dangerous asteroids. If it did hit, an impact could flatten a massive area of land and trigger earthquakes and tsunamis. It was spotted by Gennady Borisov from the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory in the Ukraine.

He warned: “The first observations show that it moves quickly and is relatively close.”

The asteroid has been named 2013 TV135, and if there is an impact, it could cause an explosion equivalent to 2,500 megatons of TNT – more than 50 times greater the biggest nuclear bomb ever detonated. Scientists say we really shouldn’t worry too much though. The chances of the asteroid actually striking the planet are 1 in 63,000, although scientists will reevaluate the chances of an impact in 2024.

Do these people think we’re idiots? Hey, we’ve all seen Armageddon. Nothing to worry about my ass. Nothing except a rock the size of a freakin’ mountain hitting the earth at 30,000 miles per hour with the energy of a 1-million megaton bomb that will flatten a massive area of land and trigger earthquakes and tsunamis. Happens all the time.

Fun Fact: If an asteroid the size of a house crashed on Earth at 30,000 mph. It would have an amount of energy roughly equal to the bomb that fell on Hiroshima. Woohoo!

And I can hear the news in 2024. “W-e-e-e-l-l-l-l, the odds are now down to 1 in 6,000. We’ll reevaluate in 2028.” Chills, man.

So yeah, everyone can relax here on the Big Blue Marble. We have 14-years left before we’re all obliterated by ol’ 2013 TV135.

PS- Thanks Gennady Borisov of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. I had no idea that asteroids “moved quickly.” That’s some deep science stuff right there.

PPS- Stargazing Chief is an awesome job title. Sounds way better than Nerd Scientist.

PPPS- Lame name, man. 2013 TV135? Really? I’d have named it something like Death Star 3000 or Butch or something. Maybe Maximus.

PPPPS- Imagine you knew the planet was going to be wiped out next Friday. Can you think of anyone you’d exact revenge upon before the end? Yeah, me too.