Posts Tagged ‘Michael Buble in trouble’


The photo in question. Click to enlarge.

Following the online controversy, Michael Buble issued a statement on April 17, telling Us Weekly his comments were not meant to be hurtful. “I do not court controversy, but I realize that a photo that was meant to be complimentary and lighthearted has turned into a questionable issue,” he said. “It hurts me deeply that anyone would think that I would disrespect women or be insulting to any human being . . .I regret that there are people out there who found the photo offensive. That was not and is not my intention. Women are to be celebrated, loved, respected, honored and revered. I’ve spent my life believing that and will continue to do so.”

So that’s the photo that Buble posted, followed by a comment saying that he “thought there was something about this woman that deserved to be on Instagram.”

I guess I have one question regarding this whole mess. Why is he in trouble? Seriously, is this disrespecting women? He doesn’t even show the woman’s face, for cryin’ out loud. And if you choose to wear shorts with your ass hanging out aren’t you sort of asking for attention anyway? I mean, you wear this attire out in public and are then outraged when somebody looks at you? I have a solution for you, and that is to put on some pants.

Listen, people can wear what they want. Pajamas in public, man buns, sunglasses indoors, mandals, manpris, I don’t really care. Just don’t get pissed when I, or anyone else, makes fun of you.

Free Michael Buble! Free Michael Buble!