Posts Tagged ‘Fans of Shoe: Untied’

Every once in awhile I run into a surprise follower of Shoe: Untied and it never 11111111ceases to amaze me. You see, a lot of people read my stuff but never comment or “like” the Facebook links, so I’m completely unaware they even follow my site. Because of this I’m always caught off-guard when a conversation like the following takes place. It happened in the checkout line at a local supermarket when a complete stranger standing behind me patted me on the shoulder and said this:

“Rattlesnakes, man. Only a fool would try and take a selfie with one, amirite? What an assclown. The world’s full of ’em.”

Then he shook his head and walked away.

I should have been flattered that the guy reads what I write, but instead I found myself worrying that I was influencing untold numbers of strangers in a not so positive way. Hell, the way the guy spoke it sounded like me talking.

Because of this, for a second I thought maybe I should start self-editing a little bit more. You know, try and be a little more responsible and whatnot.


The feeling passed, and that’s a good thing.

I think.