Belgium? Over there I’m a pretty big deal.

Posted: October 23, 2013 in Humor, WTF?

Here’s the dilly . . .

I had a couple websites before, one dedicated to music and the other to sports, both begun around 2006-2008 or thereabouts. I had a small but loyal following for both sites, and they were a lot of fun to maintain. Ah, the days of DJ, SuperVesey and Hanif contributing their witty insights will never be forgotten. The problem was that I had other ideas I wanted to write about, stuff that went beyond music and sports. So, in early 2012 I started thinking about starting a new site, a site that was wide-open, a site that would cover everything and anything that popped into my head. ‘Twas a scary thought for sure, because there are some weird thoughts that roam across the landscape of my brain. Still, I forged ahead.

Well, it’s been a year and a half, and the site has grown beyond my wildest dreams. I have regular readers from all over the world, which in many ways makes no sense to me. For the life of me I can’t comprehend why some guy in China translates and reposts my blogs. For whatever reason they seem to like my stories about Sparky over there. Wait. Maybe Spark and I should do a Chinese Tour. The mind reels.

My biggest number of hits though, outside of the USA, Canada and England, come from the Caribbean and Belgium.

Belgium! Belgium! Belgium!

The Caribbean I can understand because of my friends in Montserrat and other islands. But Belgium? What the hell? I have several loyal readers from Belgium that have emailed me to express their appreciation of my writing. I can’t wrap my brain around it. Why Belgium? They speak Dutch and Flemish. ‘Tis a mystery.

Anyway, I thought it might be sort of interesting to list the countries from where I get the most readers. Here they be . . .

1. United States. Der. I would hope so. First by a wide margin, obviously. I would be rather sad if it wasn’t.

2. United Kingdom. I guess this makes sense, being English speaking and all. British, send me some crumpets!

3. Canada. See #2, just replace “crumpets” with “Molson Dry.” Thank you and goodnight.

4. Antigua and Barbuda. I can only assume most of these hits are coming from Montserrat, since it’s nearby. I love Montserrat. Hello Dunca and Papchow and Alex and Cordella and Jumaul and Jah Sparks and . . .

5. Belgium. WHAT THE HELL?

6. Australia. I’m very popular down under. ‘Nuff said.

7. France. The Frenchies? For realz? Merci Beaucoup!

8. Germany. Well, I am part German so maybe they understand my psyche. If so they’d be the first.

9. India. People in India are as baffled by The Wussification of America as we are.

10. Philippines. Do they still cane people in The Philippines? “Cause if they do I’d better steer clear.

Next in line come Ireland, Malaysia (??????), The Netherlands, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Korea, Sweden, Mexico, and

New Zealand.

I’ve no clue why I posted this information, it just seems interesting to me and I thought it might be to you.

No? OK.

Now excuse me while I go plan my Shoe: Untied World Tour. See you soon Belgians!

Note to self: Learn Flemish post haste.

Gimme a holler.