Man saves dog, then wife as yacht sinks. So what’s the big deal?

Posted: August 7, 2013 in Adventure, Amazing and Interesting Stories, Animals, Inspiration, Pets, Sparky

SparkCarMy comments follow the awesome article:

Yahoo – When you hear about a man saving his dog from a sinking ship, it’s hard to not be moved by the tale of an animal lover’s heroism. But the story becomes slightly less heroic when you learn that the man saved his dog before his own wife. But that’s apparently what happened when Graham Anley and his wife, Cheryl, found their yacht sinking after it hit a reef while on a voyage from East London to Madagascar. National Sea Rescue Institute North London station commander Geoff McGregor said all three were wearing life jackets. The 9-year-old Jack Russell terrier named Rosie was wearing a tailored life jacket equipped with a strobe light beacon. “As the incident happened Graham sent a Mayday radio distress call and activated the EPIRB (a GPS beacon) but they were immediately forced to abandon ship,” McGregor said in an interview.”He first swam Rosie ashore safely before returning for his wife, whose safety line had snagged on the steering gear,” McGregor added. The couple and their dog all made it out free of injury.

So this article has been making the rounds of the worldwide interweb today. My question is, what’s the big deal? Mr. Graham Anley saved his dog, then went back for his wife. What am I missing here?

Hey, Rosie was a Jack Russell. No brainer. Sparky and I see nothing wrong with this.

Job well done, Mr. Anley. Job well done indeed.

  1. larrychapman says:

    There are now millions more women who hate you, Shoe!

    • Shoe says:

      I like to think t was more of a comment about how I love my dog than how I feel about women, Chopper! Besides, they know I’m kidding. Hopefully.

Gimme a holler.