And the Wussification of America continues. Kid suspended for biting his Pop Tart into the shape of a gun.

Posted: March 4, 2013 in Fails, WTF?, Wussification of America

Yep. Stone cold killer right there.

Fox ā€“ Children at Park Elementary School went home with a letter today explaining there was a disruption in school. Seven year old Josh Welch, and his father, say the disruption lead to a two day suspension for the second grader in Brooklyn Park. Academics are hard for Josh, who suffers from ADHD, but he excels in art class. It is Joshā€™s own creativity that may have gotten him into trouble. At Park Elementary school, Josh was enjoying his breakfast pastry when he decided to try and shape it into a mountain. Josh said, ā€œIt was already a rectangle and I just kept on biting it and biting it and tore off the top and it kinda looked like a gun but it wasnā€™t.ā€ Josh takes full responsibly for trying to shape his breakfast pastry, but admits it was in innocent fun. He told FOX45, ā€œAll I was trying to do was turn it into a mountain but, it didnā€™t look like a mountain really and it turned out to be a gun kinda.ā€ When his teacher saw the strawberry tart he knew he was in trouble, he recalls, ā€œShe was pretty madā€¦and I think I was in big trouble.ā€ Joshā€™s dad received a phone call from the school saying that Josh has been suspended for two days because he took his breakfast pastry and fashioned it into a gun. Joshā€™s dad was astounded to learn the school chose such a harsh punishment, even after no one was hurt.

You know how I would have handled this? Probably like this:

“Hey, cool gun.Ā Careful though.Ā Some idiot might come along and accuse you of threatening to shoot up the school with your Pop Tart. Eat it. Fast.”


  1. Jack Dingus says:

    this probably should be in the WTF file

Gimme a holler.